BLS Adult, Child, Infant CPR/ AED & First Aid and Re-Certification CPR Training

03/15/2015 13:10

Session: BLS/ CPR/ AED/ First Aid, and Re-Certification

Time:       9:00am to 5:00pm

Location: Subject to change, please call for scheduled location.

Fees: BLS Adult, Child, Infant CPR/ AED & First Aid 20% OFF DURING NATIONAL CPR/AED AWARENESS WEEK (Originally $65)

         BLS For Health Providers Initial or Re-Certification 20% OFF DURING NATIONAL CPR/AED AWARENESS WEEK (Originally $50)


Course Description
Our Course Instructor teaches how to manage illness and injuries in the first few minutes until professional help arrives.  Course content includes General Principles, Medical Emergencies, and Injury Emergencies.  Optional topics include CPR and AED, and Emergencies.

Course Length

First Aid with Adult, Child, & Infant CPR & AED Approximately 7 hours

First Aid with Adult & Child CPR & AED Approximately 6 hours

First Aid (Advanced) Approximately 4 hours

First Aid (Basic) Approximately 3 hours

Intended Audience
For those who have a duty to respond to a first aid or cardiac emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements.

Student Materials

Heartsaver First Aid Student Workbook *or* Heartsaver First Aid with CPR and AED Student Workbook

Certification card recieved by the end of completed hours.